When you need to auto-generate QR codes to render existing Quickbase file attachments for viewing and printing, you can do this natively in Quickbase like this:

  1. Create a Formula - Rich Text field in the table that has the File Attachment field you want to render.

  2. Put this as the formula: If(ToText([ATTACHMENT_FIELD_NAME]) <>"",

"<img src='http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=120x120&chl=" & URLRoot() & "up/" & Dbid () & "/a/r" & [Record ID#] & "/eFIELD_ID/v0' alt=''/>","<p>NO ATTACHMENT</p>")

  1. Replace the ATTACHMENT_FIELD_NAME  with the field name of the File Attachment field.

  2. Replace the FIELD_ID label with the Field ID # of the File Attachment field above (just putting the number to replace the FIELD_ID  label.

  3. This will show the message NO ATTACHMENT when no file is present (you can customize that).

  4. Save the field, and it will generate a QR code for every record in the table that has a file attachment.

Related Articles:

  1. Digitizing a Template
  2. Template Properties
  3. Pre-Filling Forms
  4. File Attachment Fields
  5. Working with QR Codes
  6. QR Codes vs. Barcodes
  7. Auto-creating QR Codes for Pre-Filled Forms